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Senior Portrait

Eligibility For Our Services

If you’re an older adult or caregiver in Clermont County who needs support at home, you may qualify for Clermont Senior Services' assistance. Services are available to residents aged 60 and over, with specific programs tailored to individual needs, including home care, transportation, meals on wheels, and housing. Additional eligibility criteria may apply.

Home Delivered Meals

Customer must be homebound without consistent assistance with grocery shopping

Home Making

Customer must be unable to complete homemaking tasks and have no regular homemaking support. They must live alone or with another service-qualified individual.

Some customers may qualify for additional assistance or a higher level of care.

Personal Care

Customer requires hands on assistance to complete personal care safely


The household must only consist of the Customer and a Caregiver. Customer requires 24-hour supervision and cannot be left alone


This service is suitable for those with cognitive or physical impairments who cannot safely drive.


Open to those 60 and above who reside in Clermont County.


Must be at least 62 and meet income eligibility guidelines

Lifelong Learning

This service is ideal for those who can safely drive or be transported, and desire socialization through classes, workshops, and activity opportunities.


We need your support! Contribute today to help turn our vision into reality and improve the lives of older adults.

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